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The Real Risk of Traumatic Brain Injuries—and What to Do If You’re Hurt

From 1999 to 2016, brain injury hospitalizations rose by 54% and brain injury costs increased by 458% in Virginia, according to the Brain Injury Association of Virginia. Each year, thousands of people are hospitalized and more than a thousand people die from brain injuries in our state.

Now, you or a loved one have suffered a brain injury in a Virginia accident. Your life has changed in ways that you couldn’t imagine before the accident, and you need to know what to expect next.

Different Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury occurs any time an outside force damages brain tissue. There are many different forms of traumatic brain injuries. Some are open head injuries that happen when something penetrates the skull and brain and others are closed head injuries that occur without breaking through the skull bone.

Traumatic brain injuries include:

Diffuse Axonal Injuries.

Diffuse axonal injuries happen when the brain is violently shaken. The shaking may occur intentionally, as is the case with shaken baby syndrome, or accidentally, as is the case in a motor vehicle crash. When the brain is shaken, the brain tissue tears and, often, causes a coma.

Coup-Contrecoup Injuries.

Coup-contrecoup injuries occur on both sides of the brain. The coup injury happens on the side of the brain that was directly impacted and the contrecoup injury happens on the opposite side of the brain. Symptoms of a coup-contrecoup brain injury depend on where in the brain the injury occurred and may include but are not limited to cognitive problems, memory issues, behavior problems, hearing loss, movement issues, speech problems, and other complications.

Cerebral Contusions.

A brain contusion means there is bleeding or bruising on the brain. Contusion symptoms vary from minor inconveniences to life-changing consequences. For example, you could suffer memory loss, cognitive issues, emotional problems, motor coordination issues, and other injuries.


Concussions are the most common type of traumatic brain injury. A concussion occurs when the blood vessels in the brain are stretched and hurt because of sudden movement. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, headaches, vision changes, confusion, and temporary loss of consciousness. Complications, including post-concussion syndrome, may develop.


A sharp object may break through the skull bone and enter the brain. Brain penetrations are often severe and may be fatal.

Any one of these injuries can change your life.

Accidents That Cause Brain Injuries

You don’t have to hit your head to suffer a brain injury. Some brain injuries occur because of a direct blow to the head and others occur when your body jolts and your brain forcefully collides with your skull. Some examples of accidents that may cause traumatic brain injuries include:

  • Car Accidents
  • Truck Wrecks
  • Motorcycle Crashes
  • Pedestrian Accidents

Brain injury symptoms may take some time to develop. Accordingly, it is essential to get medical attention after any personal injury accident.

You May Have a Brain Injury Lawsuit

There is no dispute that you were in an accident and that you suffered a traumatic brain injury. However, your financial recovery isn’t automatic.

Before you recover damages, you need to prove who was responsible for the accident that caused your injury and exactly how your injury has already impacted your life and will likely impact your life in the future. An experienced brain injury lawyer will gather the necessary evidence and make sure that all of your rights are protected.

Financial Compensation for Brain Injuries

Your settlement or court recovery should include fair compensation for your past and future:

  • Healthcare costs including but not limited to ambulance rides, hospitalizations, surgeries, medications, doctors’ appointments, rehabilitation facility stays, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, psychological counseling, and adaptive equipment.
  • Lost income including the wages, benefits, bonuses, and income from self-employment that are no longer possible because of your injury.
  • Physical pain such as headaches that you experience after a brain injury.
  • Emotional suffering because of things that you miss out on or can no longer enjoy because of your brain injury.

Any other costs that are incurred or are likely to occur because of your accident should also be part of your recovery.

Have You Suffered A Personal Injury Due To The Neglect Of Others?

If you've been hurt due to the neglect of someone else you need to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Fairfax, Virginia personal injury law office at 703.277.2811 to schedule your free consultation. We help clients throughout Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia and look forward to helping you.