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Our Personal Injury, Business & Criminal Defense Library

  • Understanding and Building a Defense Against Malicious Wounding Charges in Virginia
    Malicious wounding charges often stem from fights that get too heated and head into violent territory. While the charges can also apply to attempted murder, the majority of cases are situations such as bar fights that escalated too quickly. If you have been charged with malicious wounding, it’s essential you understand what Virginia law is on the matter and work with a quality attorney to build a strong defense. Virginia Law on Malicious Wounding Malicious...
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  • How to Maximize the Value of Your Motorcycle Crash Damages
    Motorcycle riders in Fairfax face many challenges as they navigate the traffic and distracted drivers on Northern Virginia roads. When another driver’s carelessness or outright negligence leads to a crash that leaves you seriously injured, you need aggressive legal representation as soon as possible. The motorcycle accident attorneys at MacDowell Law Group have you covered. We are experienced in motorcycle accident claims, and we will fight to get you the full value of your damages...
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  • Protecting Your Relationship With Your Children
    While issues of child support are frequently resolved under state guidelines, custody and visitation issues can present major problems for parents who are separating from each other, especially when there is a history of substance abuse, mental illness or domestic violence. Even in less troubled situations, the complex emotional dynamic of parent-child relationships and conflicts between parents can make the resolution of custody and visitation issues more difficult. At MacDowell Law Group, P.C., our attorneys work...
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  • Staying Together for the Children Might Cause More Harm Than Good
    Divorce is hard on kids—there’s simply no way around it. When parents split up, not only is it disruptive to the child’s world, but it can also violate their sense of security and safety. Because of this, some parents choose to stay together despite being in an unhappy and dysfunctional relationship. They think they can tough it out until the kids are older or even until they are out of the house and that doing...
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  • Three Aspects of Commercial Leases You Should Understand to Set Your Business up for Success
    If you are a commercial landlord, leasing property is your business. If you are a commercial tenant, you need favorable lease terms to protect your business. Either way, a lease is essential to your business, and you can set your business up for success by understanding how to negotiate commercial leases, dispute commercial lease terms, and end a commercial lease early. Negotiating Commercial Leases Commercial leases are different from residential leases. Since you are renting...
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  • Taking Appropriate Measures to Defend Against Domestic Violence
    There is never an excuse for domestic abuse. If abuse is a factor in the decision to end your marriage, you have unique issues to deal with in order to protect yourself and your family. Your first challenge is to ensure the personal safety and security of yourself and your children. At MacDowell Law Group, P.C., our attorneys can explain the process of obtaining and enforcing a protective order. This can help provide the breathing space...
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  • Fairfax County Military Divorce Lawyers
    Virginia is home to many men and women in the armed services and their families. Like any divorce, there are a number of issues that must be addressed. However, past or present military service can present unique challenges in regard to child custody and visitation, and the division of pensions. Issues such as deployment out of state or overseas, military benefits and federal law all need to be considered when dissolving a military marriage. At MacDowell...
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  • Our Experience Will Ensure That You Conduct Business Transactions With Confidence
    Transactions are at the heart of most business operations. The transactions you make often have legal considerations that need to be weighed, and your business can benefit greatly from the advice of an experienced attorney. Our team of Northern Virginia and Maryland business lawyers can partner with you to help ensure the success and legal integrity of all of your business transactions. Types of Business Transactions A successful business transaction achieves your business goals and...
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  • Debt Division in Virginia: Divorcing and Dividing by the Rules
    In the process of a divorce, there is a lot to decide and think about. One issue you might not consider right away is the division of any marital debt between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse. In the state of Virginia, the law follows the concept of “equitable distribution,” meaning that just like property or furniture, your debt is divided equally too. While this sounds simple on the surface, it can actually get quite complex...
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  • Who Gets the Warhol? Dividing Valuable Art Collections in a Divorce
    OK, so you don’t have a Warhol. But you do have a collection of original art and antiques that are worth a considerable amount of money. Given that the worth of these pieces often depends on the current market and the uncertainty of an auction, how can you equitably divide the value of your collection in a divorce? And what if one of you wants to keep a piece? It is a complicated process that...
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