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  • Can you expect child support to help you cover college costs?

    May 28, 2019

    Putting children through college has become so expensive that many couples begin planning for college savings before they ever even get pregnant with their first child. Other than saving for retirement, saving for a child’s college education will likely be the largest savings effort you make in your life. Even if your child goes to an affordable state or community college, a single year’s tuition could likely exceed the down payment you saved for your...
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  • Physical and Legal Custody Are Important Responsibilities

    Apr 25, 2019

    Child custody is often an important issue when Virginia parents decide to divorce. Individuals who share children may know that they do not want to be in relationships any longer but may not know how to separate their lives while providing their children with what they need. With the help of their family law attorneys, many parents can make responsible decisions about how to share and co-parent their kids with their exes. Child custody involves...
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  • Driver Negligence May Lead to Dangerous Pedestrian Accidents

    Apr 17, 2019

    Spring has arrived in Northern Virginia and more Fairfax residents may be choosing to spend time outdoors as the weather begins to warm. Residents may opt to play with their children outdoors or walk to work as temperatures rise and signs of winter begin to melt away. As they increase their time outside of their homes they may become aware of the dangers that can threaten their safety when they are near roads. Collisions between...
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  • When is it legal for police to enter your home in Virginia?

    Mar 29, 2019

    One of the most common questions people have about their own rights is when police can legally search their home. After all, the Fourth Amendment protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures. Over the years, there have been both state and federal court cases that have helped to establish when it is legal for law enforcement to enter your home and when doing so violates your basic civil liberties. Understanding when law enforcement has the...
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  • What defenses exist to claims of drug possession?

    Mar 25, 2019

    Any drug charge has the potential to be a serious legal problem for a Virginia resident. Readers are encouraged to use the information provided in this post as a starting point for learning about their criminal defense options to such criminal allegations but are reminded that this post does not offer legal advice. Readers should consult with their attorneys for case-specific strategies for overcoming their legal dilemmas. A charge of drug possession alleges that a...
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  • Important Information Related to Child Support in Virginia

    Mar 12, 2019

    Children deserve to receive love and support from both of their parents. That is why the courts may become involved in child support matters when parents choose to end their relationships in divorce. Child support is money that parents pay to ensure that their kids have everything they need to live healthy and happy lives. However, please keep in mind that this family law overview of child support should not be used as legal advice...
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  • Virginia Legislature Considers Increasing Some DUI Penalties

    Feb 26, 2019

    Readers of this Fairfax-based legal blog may know that the penalties residents can face for alleged drunk driving charges and accidents are heavy. The loss of one’s driving privileges, jail time and fines can all befall a person who is convicted of a DUI charge. Now, though, there is a movement in the Commonwealth to increase the penalties for individuals who are convicted of drunk driving charges that involve accidents and injuries. At present a...
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  • When Should You Protect Your Parenting Time?

    Feb 4, 2019

    In the months and years following a divorce, many parents find it difficult to know when to protect their parenting time and when to practice flexibility. Some parents allow too much flexibility in their shared parenting time and miss valuable experiences with their children, while others may not allow for events beyond the other parent’s control. Most parents understand that the time they spend with their children is precious and once it is gone, they...
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  • Requirements for a Virginia Divorce

    Jan 28, 2019

    In order to file for divorce in Virginia, there are a number of requirements that individuals must meet in order to be able to use the courts of the Commonwealth for their proceedings. This post will explain some of the most relevant issues that individuals will have to confront to get divorced in Virginia, but readers are asked to discuss their own divorce cases with their family law attorneys to get actual legal advice. First,...
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  • Asserting Self-Defense to a Charge of Assault or Battery

    Jan 15, 2019

    Getting into an altercation can be physically painful and legally problematic. Depending upon how a law enforcement official interprets the events of a fight, a Virginia resident may find themselves facing serious assault or battery charges. A conviction on such a criminal accusation can have lasting effects on a person’s record and may impact their future in a negative way. It is therefore in the interests of criminal defendants to offer defenses to the allegations...
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