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Divorcing a Narcissist Isn't Easy

Being married to a narcissist is a challenge because they don’t have the ability to think about anyone other themselves. They’ll use various tactics to get their way, and they don’t mind having to turn to manipulation or even abuse to make that happen. Once a person has had enough of this behavior, they might decide that it is time to divorce the narcissist. While that might seem like an easy solution, you’ll soon find that there is nothing easy about ending a relationship with a person who has narcissism.

One of the primary things to remember if you’re divorcing a narcissist is that they are going to battle about everything. While many people use mediation to come up with the terms of the split, you probably won’t be able to do that. A person who has narcissism isn’t able to compromise. They only want to have their own way for everything.

Just because your ex won’t compromise doesn’t mean that you just have to give them whatever they want. Instead, you’re going to need to strategize and remain patient. As you’re working through the divorce, remember that your reactions can help fuel the narcissistic behavior. They look for reactions to their antics. You may be able to combat this by having your attorney handle all communication. This enables you to react when your ex isn’t around.

Unfortunately, children often get caught in the divorce battles. Try to help them learn how to cope with everything that’s going on. Your lawyer can help you keep the child custody matters based on what’s best for the children.

More than likely, you’re going to end up going through a divorce trial before the court. Using the time you have between the filing and the court dates can help you develop and strengthen your side of the case.

Do You Need To Speak To A Virginia Divorce Attorney?

If you are considering divorce you need to speak with an experienced Virginia divorce attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Fairfax, Virginia law office at 703.277.2811 to schedule your free consultation. We help clients throughout Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia and look forward to helping you.