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Blog: Divorce

  • Are there benefits to choosing an uncontested divorce?

    Feb 28, 2020

    You and your spouse know everything you want to do with your divorce. You both believe that you can work out any minor disagreements yourselves, and neither one of you wants to drag things out longer than is necessary. An uncontested divorce is simply a divorce that neither party is contesting, and it’s what you may be interested in filing if you and your spouse agree on how you want to separate. To go through...
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  • You Can Make Co-Parenting Work

    Feb 7, 2020

    You and your ex-spouse both love your kids. Even if you and they no longer love each other, you have the kids in common — and that’s worth making co-parenting work. Here are some co-parenting tips for beginners: 1. Find a safe place to vent. There are going to be times when your ex-spouse still aggravates you, no matter how polite you’re both trying to be. You may also still have some old emotional wounds...
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  • Five Things to Know About Divorce and Taxes

    Jan 2, 2020

    One of the things parties may fail to consider when going through a divorce are tax ramifications. Once a divorce is finalized, the next tax filing period will look a lot different. First, you must remember to change your withholdings with your employer. You will now claim single rather than married. If children are involved, your dependents may also need to be changed depending on your custody agreement. This is a very important step, as...
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  • You Can Ask the Courts to Change Your Virginia Child Support

    Nov 9, 2019

    When the courts set the final terms for child custody and support in your divorce, they issue a final decree in the form of a court order. Many people view these documents as legally binding and permanent, but that isn’t always the case. While any court order is legally binding and requires compliance from its subjects, it is possible to change court orders if the circumstances in your life also change. The child support that...
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  • Guiding Divorcing Couples Through Their Property Division Process

    Nov 7, 2019

    Property division during divorce can feel overwhelming which is why it is important for divorcing couples to keep in mind that the family law process provides legal resources to help guide them through the process of dividing their property. In some circumstances, divorcing couples are dividing a lifetime of property they have acquired together so understanding basic property division principles can help guide them through the property division process. It is always helpful for divorcing...
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  • How does Virginia enforce child support orders that go unpaid?

    Sep 16, 2019

    Divorce has a way of shaking up your financial circumstances. You will have to share your debt, as well as your assets, with your ex. Many people find that they have to adjust their expectation regarding their standard of living. In fact, it can be a downright struggle for you to make ends meet in the days immediately following the end of your marriage. If you have primary custody of the children from your marriage,...
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  • The Importance of the Best Interests of the Child

    Sep 13, 2019

    What is in the best interests of the child is an important family law standard to be familiar with. What is in the best interests of the child guides child custody decision-making. Because of this, it is important for divorcing parents to be familiar with. The focus of child custody determinations is what is in the best interests of the child. This is true whether the family law court is developing a child custody arrangement...
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  • How are spousal support requests handled during a divorce?

    Aug 29, 2019

    Spousal support is one of the issues divorcing couples may need to resolve when they decide to end their marriage. In Virginia, spousal support is generally awarded only when it is necessary, so it is also useful to be aware of what necessary circumstances might be and when the court commonly awards spousal support. In Virginia, the family law court may award spousal support during divorce in circumstances when there is a large gap in...
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  • What are reasons for Virginia to grant sole custody in a divorce?

    Jul 22, 2019

    Child custody was once a winner-take-all situation in the majority of divorces. The courts across the country used to favor custody arrangements in which one spouse received primary custody and the other received visitation. However, years of psychological and social research have made it clear that single-parent custody solutions usually don’t benefit the children as much as shared custody. Courts across the country, including in Virginia, now prefer to split physical and legal custody between...
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  • How is property division handled in Virginia during a divorce?

    Jul 5, 2019

    Property division is one of the issues that will need to be worked out during the divorce process. It is helpful for divorcing couples in Virginia to understand how property division is handled according to the law. Divorcing couples likely have many property division questions. Reaching a property division settlement agreement during a divorce can be a challenging process for many couples, however, family law resources may be able to make it a little simpler...
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